In 1995, ZEGA commissioned a training needs analysis for the horticulture industry which identified the following priorities:
Diploma and Certificate Courses (full time)
– aimed at training new entrants into the industry who have the potential to become supervisor and manager or small scale out growers.
Diploma and Certificate Courses (part time)
–Â aimed at bringing existing supervisors and managers to a higher level of skill and understanding.
Diploma in Export Horticulture
The 3 year diploma is aimed at school leavers who achieved good passes at ‘O’ level in English, maths and sciences. Applicants undergo a two day interview process at the Trust to select the best candidates for the course. The Trust provides equal opportunities to male and female students.
Students are required to make a contribution to the cost of their education but this is kept to a level so that those from disadvantaged backgrounds are not excluded. The Trust is responsible for sourcing the funds to subsidize the Diploma programme.
After selection, students spend their first six months working in the industry. The Trust organizes placements and ensures a variety of experiences for the students.Â
Regular reports on performance are requested from the employer and students submit materials on the activities that they have undertaken. The close cooperation that the Trust has developed with the industry is vital for the success of these placements.
The first academic year (3 terms) concentrates on the principles of crop production although all teaching are taken from horticulture. Delivery of materials is by NRDC and Trust staff, augmented by local and visiting experts. The Trust also requires that its student attend training in HIV/Aids awareness.
Approximately 50% of the students’ time is spent in practical training either in the Trust farm or with cooperating companies. All students are resident as they are often called to undertake activities outside normal working hours or at weekends.
After the first residential year, students undertake a second six month industrial placement. Wherever possible, students spend one placement on a rose production unit and the other in vegetable production. In this second placement, students are expected to assume more responsibility.
The second residential year(3 terms) concentrates on advanced rose and vegetable production and also introduces the students to management orientated subjects: resource management, finance, quality assurance and control, post-harvest management, due diligence, planning and organization.
Assessment of students is continuous although there are also end of year examinations. It is a requirement that students pass the practical component of the course to graduate.
The graduates enter the industry as supervisors/junior managers and many are offered jobs by the companies for whom they worked during their training.

The On Farm Training programme consists of courses designed to improve productivity, increase safety and meet the requirements of the Code of Practice. The Training Trust delivers these courses on the client’s site and, where necessary, material are presented in local language. Participants are required to demonstrate competence and understanding of the materials and certificates are only awarded to those who pass the assessment. Examples of courses available are: Supervision Skills, The Safe Use of Pesticides and Crop Scouting for Pest and Diseases in Flower and Vegetables.
A charge is made for the provision of this service and in the first 3 years of operation, the Training Trust provided training to over 2, 500 individuals in over 25 companies.
In the future, Diploma course modules will be made available to the industry on a part-time or distance learning format so that staff can continue to study whilst in full-time employment.
In addition to providing training to employees of exporting companies, the training Trust has also provided training to small-scale farmers and extension staff who work with them. Although development with export horticulture in mind, many of the materials are applicable to the agriculture industry as a whole and this represents an opportunity for the expansion of the training programme.
Training materials have been shared with other organizations in neighboring countries and the Training Trust is in the forefront of the harmonization of training standard in the region. It is proposed to make the Training Trust a regional centre for the training of trainers and auditors.